Three Lions (meine Version)

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Three Lions (meine Version)

Beitrag von pedalritter »

We still belive,
we still belive,
He`s coming home, he`s coming home,
he`s coming, Daniel`s coming home,
He`s coming home, he`s coming home,
he`s coming, Daniel`s coming home,
He`s coming home, he`s coming home,
he`s coming, Daniel`s coming home,

Tears for a hero,
dressed in green,
he never meant,
to be mean, nor lean.
It could have been all songs in the streets,
he is nearly complete,
he is really so sweet,
And now we`re singing:

Three Lions on his shirt,
his countenace`s still gleaming,
no more years of hurt,
no more time for dreaming.

Talk about Daniel`s coming home,
Since that one night at home,
he`s got strong, he has grown,
And now we see him ready for war,
better than before,
and he`s certain to score.
And all girls are screaming:

"Three Lions on his shirt,
his countenace`s still gleaming,
no more years of hurt,
no more time for dreaming."